
"Airbnb and the rent gap" paper shortlisted for planning award

Wachsmuth and Weisler paper a finalist for AESOP prize, and now open access

Short-term rentals in Whitehorse: UPGo city spotlight

A case study of short-term rentals in the City of Whitehorse

Bridging the boroughs: An equity analysis of bike sharing in New York City

New analysis of the racial and economic equity dimensions of access to bike sharing in New York City

Bridging the boroughs: How well does New York's bike sharing system serve New Yorkers?

An equity analysis of bike sharing in New York City

Short-term rentals in Canada: The first comprehensive overview

New analysis of Airbnb across Canada forthcoming in *Canadian Journal of Urban Resesarch*

Short-term rentals in Canada: Uneven growth, uneven impacts

The first comprehensive analysis of short-term rental activity in Canada

Location, location, and professionalization: Paper published in Regional Studies, Regional Science

Open access publication of hedonic regression model of Airbnb in New York City

Location, location and professionalization: a multilevel hedonic analysis of Airbnb listing prices and revenue

A hedonic regression model of Airbnb prices and revenue in New York City

The territory and politics of the post-fossil city

A commentary on Maarten Hajer and Wytske Versteeg's ‘Imagining the post-fossil city’

The impact of new short-term rental regulations on New York City

An analysis of possible regulatory scenarios for short-term rentals in New York City