Toronto's STR bylaws are good planning: UPGo position paper


The short-term rental (STR) bylaws approved by Toronto City Council in 2017 and 2018 constitute good planning, both in terms of adequately representing the public’s interest and adhering to the objectives and policies set out in Toronto’s Official Plan. The vision of the Plan is a Toronto with vibrant and complete communities, affordable housing choices, attractive and walkable neighbourhoods, a healthy natural environment, and a strong and competitive economy with well-paid, stable, safe, and fulfilling employment opportunities. The STR bylaws support this vision by protecting the city’s long-term housing stock, preventing the displacement of existing residents, and strengthening urban planning capacity. By regulating commercial operations of short-term rentals, particularly by restricting short-term rentals to a host’s principal residence, Toronto will be better able to keep housing affordable and available for Toronto residents.

David Wachsmuth
Canada Research Chair in Urban Governance

My research interests include urban governance, local sustainability, and the impact of short-term rentals on housing markets.
